началась как пищащий комок дайтедайтедайте! ну почему нельзя????
03.11.2015 в 18:30
Mads Mikkelsen by Kenneth Willardt.
Mads by Kurt Krieger - photocall The Three Musketeers 2010.
Mads Mikkelsen by Kenneth Willardt.
“He’s working with Ryan Gosling now and they are doing some great stuff. Of course I’m jealous, just like Nicolas is always jealous when I’m working with someone else; he calls me and tells me that they are all crap. But I think they are doing some really cool stuff together and, you know, one day we might make a ménage-a-trois. I’m just a phone call away.”
- Mads Mikkelsen on Nicolas Winding Refn.
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