zacharyquinto HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my love @milesmcmillan !!! you are the most beautiful thoughtful generous intuitive patient loving talented hilarious supportive understanding inspiring open-hearted loyal person i know. waking up next to you everyday is one of the best gifts life has given me. i celebrate you today - and everyday - and can't wait to watch you continue to grow into the incredible artist and man that you are. welcome to your late twenties baby! may this year be full of exciting opportunities and may you keep thriving with every step you take! i love you madly barry... xo. barry.
это поздравление от Зака для своего детки прям лучше фикла, какие они милашеньки!!
zacharyquinto HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my love @milesmcmillan !!! you are the most beautiful thoughtful generous intuitive patient loving talented hilarious supportive understanding inspiring open-hearted loyal person i know. waking up next to you everyday is one of the best gifts life has given me. i celebrate you today - and everyday - and can't wait to watch you continue to grow into the incredible artist and man that you are. welcome to your late twenties baby! may this year be full of exciting opportunities and may you keep thriving with every step you take! i love you madly barry... xo. barry.
zacharyquinto HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my love @milesmcmillan !!! you are the most beautiful thoughtful generous intuitive patient loving talented hilarious supportive understanding inspiring open-hearted loyal person i know. waking up next to you everyday is one of the best gifts life has given me. i celebrate you today - and everyday - and can't wait to watch you continue to grow into the incredible artist and man that you are. welcome to your late twenties baby! may this year be full of exciting opportunities and may you keep thriving with every step you take! i love you madly barry... xo. barry.