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23.06.2016 в 23:46
Пишет Ларри.:The Best Thing About Mikkelsen's Hannibal LecterURL записи
Is that he believes the world is this bright, incredible playground. It’s a paper doll house, and he’s playing dress up. He’s not some tiger prowling among the sheep. He’s the grown man version of Alice in Wonderland, back for round two down the rabbit hole, and this time he knows all the tricks, and he drinks, delighted, from one half of a shattered teacup. His childhood was a nightmare and he decided to embrace it and wear it as a Cheshire smile: a smile that remains the only shining thing in the darkness. Everything he touches turns technicolor. Flowers grow from human chests. Men dream of becoming dragons. Pigs lick their lips and ask him to dinner. Death is paid for in gold coins, love is an origami heart, and God is just playing with his toys.
Now imagine being the only person who can see that world, until:
Feel that ache? That, good friends, is why Mads Mikkelsen is magic.